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Showing posts from March, 2018

The Health Benefits Of Vitamin D(Early Morning Sunlight).

  Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is produced by the body as a response to sun exposure; it can also be consumed in food or supplements.   Having enough vitamin D is important for a number of reasons, including maintaining healthy bones and teeth; it may also protect against a range of conditions such as cancer, type 1 diabetes, and multiple sclerosis. Vitamin D has multiple roles in the body, helping to: 1-Maintain the health of bones and teeth. 2-Support the health of the immune system, brain, and nervous system.3-Regulate insulin levels and aid diabetes management.                                  4-Support lung function and cardiovascular health.5-Influence the expression of genes involved in cancer development. What is vitamin D?     Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin. Despite the name, vitamin D is considered a pro-hormone and not actually a vitamin. ...

What is a Cancer Disease and It Symptoms?

   Cancer is a disease in which the cells of a tissue undergo uncontrolled and often rapid proliferation. Cancer can also be said as the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cell anywhere in the body.These abnormal cells are termed cancer cells,malignant cells or tumor cells.These cells can infiltrate normal body tissue.   Example are breast cancer,lung cancer and colon cancer. Cancer is not confined to human;animal and other living organism can get a cancer disease.Cancer symptoms and signs depend on the specific type and grade of cancer;although general signs and symptoms are not very specific,the following can be found in a patient with cancer disease which are 1-Fatigue. 2-Weight loss. 3-Pain. 4-Skin changes. 5-Change in bowel or bladder function. 6-Persistent cough. 7-Fever. 8-Tissue masses. There are three most common cancer in men,women and children which are 1-Men:prostate,lungs. 2-Women:breast,lungs. 3-Children:leukemia, brain tumor and lymphoma. ...

How To Maintain A Good Health.

  Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living organism.One of the great necessity an individual need in this Earth is a good health and a sound body.A good health need maintenance and here are some of the ways to maintain a good health. 1-Doing regular exercises: One of the key factor to a good health is a regular exercise.Exercises is meant to improve the body fitness and strength and there are various kind of exercises which are jogging, Weightlifting and host of many. 2-Eating a balance diet:Eating a balance diet means maintaining the six(6) classes of food.Balance diet means not taking much of a particular class of food. 3-Maintaining a Personal Cleanliness:Cleanliness is next to Godliness. A clean and good environment will usher in a good health. 4:Avoiding a bad habits such as smoking cigarette and drinking alcohol. "Health is Wealth"