Chronic fatigue is a problem for millions of people, and more often than not, what we put into our bodies is what causes our distress. Aside from lack of sleep, an unhealthy or unbalanced diet causes a range of health problems. More importantly, it can drain our energy, which causes us to drink more coffee or eat more to keep those levels up, which in turn throws us further into the cycle of tiredness. Many of our favorite foods to snack on during the day may be the answer to our slow demise. Foods loaded with salt and sugar or even caffeinated beverages cause a quick rise in energy followed by a “crash.” Debi Silber, M.S., R.D., and president of Lifestyle Fitness Inc., tells WebMD that sugar gives us energy but also causes us to crash and leaves us looking for more. She says that one tip to cutting back on sugar is bringing low-sugar snacks with you when you need a pick-me-up. Here’s a list of some foods that are draining your energy. By avoiding these foods, y...
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