Have you ever wondered or wondering how to darken your skin without toxic tanning products or scary tanning beds? Am sure majority of us abhor pale skin, It makes you look ghastly. As you might be aware, a sun-kissed glow is all the rave right now!
Sadly, naturally darkening your skin can be a bit of a challenge, however, it does not mean it’s impossible to darken your skin naturally. Well, brace yourselves because we got some great natural tips on how to darken your skin just for you!
Sunshine is your number one friend when it comes to darkening the skin naturally and it’s as natural as it gets when it comes to darkening the skin. While UV rays are no doubt harmful in large amounts, spending a bit of time outdoors each day can darken your skin and also even increase mood stability. When sunlight hits your skin, it causes your skin cells to produce melanin. And the more melanin you have, the darker your skin is. Just make sure to wear suitable SPF to prevent sun burns. Sun before 11am and after 4pm is best for safe skin tanning.
Sunshine is your number one friend when it comes to darkening the skin naturally and it’s as natural as it gets when it comes to darkening the skin. While UV rays are no doubt harmful in large amounts, spending a bit of time outdoors each day can darken your skin and also even increase mood stability. When sunlight hits your skin, it causes your skin cells to produce melanin. And the more melanin you have, the darker your skin is. Just make sure to wear suitable SPF to prevent sun burns. Sun before 11am and after 4pm is best for safe skin tanning.
Eat foods rich in carotenoids, such as carrots, Tomatoes, Spinach. Carotenoids are the pigments that give carrots their orange color. Studies show that eating foods rich in carotenoids can help give the skin a richer, darker color. And of course you must not go overboard with these, they should be eaten in moderation.
Eat foods rich in carotenoids, such as carrots, Tomatoes, Spinach. Carotenoids are the pigments that give carrots their orange color. Studies show that eating foods rich in carotenoids can help give the skin a richer, darker color. And of course you must not go overboard with these, they should be eaten in moderation.
Cocoa butter can be used as moisturizer and at the same time works best in making the skin tone darker.
Cocoa butter can be used as moisturizer and at the same time works best in making the skin tone darker.
Emu Oil. Application of emu oil on the skin is said to cause natural darkening of the skin. Emu oil increases the melanin production, making one’s skin tone darker.
Emu Oil. Application of emu oil on the skin is said to cause natural darkening of the skin. Emu oil increases the melanin production, making one’s skin tone darker.
NB: Put in more effort in keeping your skin hydrated, moisturized and cleansed for that youthful, supple look!
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