Lemon is a typical, accessible and widely used citrus product
- Its refreshing smell make it a prominent fruit for drinks
- In combination with water it has a a lot of benefits
Here are some of the health benefits of drinking lemon water:
1. It accelerates metabolism
The citric in lemons activates your digestive juices, which gives your metabolism a boost and encourages an excellent digestion.
2. It detoxifies your body
A glass of lemon water stimulates the elimination of toxins
3. It relieves bloating
Having gentle dose of dietary fiber combined with the activation of digestive juices lemon water helps to relieve constipation and bloating.
5. It Is a natural diuretic
Lemon water acts as a natural diuretic, putting everything back in balance.
6. It helps to boost your immune system
Lemons are a great source of Vitamin C, having up to 50% of your recommended daily amount per one squeezed lemon.
7. It reduces blood pressure
Lemons are high in potassium, which is good to reduce blood pressure and improve circulation. Potassium relaxes arteries and helps to balance fluid levels in the body.
8. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory
Vitamin C and magnesium are naturally anti-inflammatory, which helps to reduce swelling, ache and discomfort throughout the body.
9. It makes your slin clearer
The high dose of Vitamin C boosts collagen production, which helps to keep skin young and toned. Lemon water also flushes out toxins, which helps to clear skin problems.
10. It re-hydrates your body
Without water you would feel tired, sluggish and unhealthy. Lemon water hydrates and alkalizes every your body, fueling your organs for optimum performance.
11. It promotes weight loss
Water with lemon helps with weight loss. Lemons contain pectin fiber, which helps suppress hunger cravings. Studies have proven people with a better alkaline diet have lost weight faster.
12. It reduces stress levels
The magnesium and Vitamin C, in combination with the powerful antioxidants work to reduce stress, muscle tension and fatigue. Warm lemon water has also proven to be very soothing and relaxing.
13. It freshens your breath
Lemon water helps to destroy bacteria which cause bad breath and to provide an alkaline environment in which no germs can thrive, leaving you with lemony fresh breath.
14. It protects your body from disease
Weak immune system makes our body susceptible to illness and infections. Warm lemon water has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties which fight harmful bacteria, fungus, and virus that cause diseases and infections. Its antioxidant property helps eliminate toxins from the body.
15. It cares of your eyes
The potent Vitamin C combined with the rich source of antioxidants ensures that your eyes remain clear and cataract free. Lemon water protects your eyes against free radical damage.
16. It makes you happy
It is proved that the smell of lemon and its sweet and sour taste in purified water has a powerful effect on our brain, triggering our endorphin to make us feel happier.
17. It improves athletic recovery
After a vigorous workout you will need to replenish fluids, electrolytes and energy, and lemon water is the perfect drink for that. It provides plenty of vitamins, minerals and alkaline power, leaving you with faster recovering muscles and less fatigue.
18. It helps to stabilize blood sugar levels
Water with lemon can help lower blood pressure. A daily intake of one lemon can reduce high blood pressure by 10%.
19. It’s good for your brain
Lemon water is rich in potassium. Potassium triggers more oxygen flow directly to your brain, which helps it to function better, remember more and let go of stress completely.
20. It’s a great bone builder
Lemon water offers a good source of calcium, which is essential in maintaining strong and healthy bones. It also prevents brittle bones and swollen joints.
21. It fights with fat
Lemon water is not only completely free of fat, but it also helps to break down excess fat in the body, leaving you leaner, lighter and full of health.
22. It’s low in calories
A glass of lemon water contains less than 20 calories. By drinking more lemon water and less sugary drinks, you will be investing in better health and give yourself a better body overall.
23. It’s excellent for pregnant women
Since lemons are loaded with Vitamin C, it acts as an adaptogen helping the body cope with viruses such as colds. Furthermore, vitamin C helps the formation of bone tissue of the unborn baby. At the same time, due to the high content of potassium, a mixture of water with lemon helps forming cells of the brain and nervous system of the baby.
24. It’s good for liver
Your liver produces more enzymes from water with lemon than from any other food.
25. It’s Vitamin and Mineral Rich
Just one glass of lemon water contains Vitamins A, B, C and E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, folate, selenium, zinc, antioxidants and bioflavonoids, as well as giving your body a great source of excellent hydration.
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